"Handled" in Minneapolis
This past weekend, my husband and I were joined by several other exceptionally devoted and available family members on a trip to Minneapolis for a production of "Handled" at The Wildwood Theatre, a company whose central mission is to encourage discussion of mental health.

Wildwood is an itinerant company, and they put "Handled" in a space called the off-leash Art Box, a nifty little storefront blackbox perfect for this intimate and intense show. They had it set for roughly 50 seats, and over two performances, I saw two open ones. Good for me, good for them.
My mother reported that they were bringing in extra chairs the night she and my dad saw it, but she sent no footage, so I cannot confirm.

We did a talkback on the Saturday night that I was there. I always say I don't like talkbacks, but I actually get into them once they're going. I hate anticipating talkbacks, and I hate getting them started, but once we get rolling, I find myself happy to talk about the place and my process. In this case, Martha, the production manager moderated and she did a great job.
I do enjoy sitting on the set. There's no denying that.
This was my first-ever second production, and the first time I had no part whatsoever in the process of building the show--not even to watch auditions or pop in for a couple of rehearsals. I enjoyed coming to it cold and watching it play out before me, both familiar and fresh. Much thanks to all who roam the Wildwood, for the care they took and energy they devoted to my pages.